A downloadable soundtrack



1. Mirrorlake
You are a child from a small village at a lake and were just sent out by your parents to go fishing. A whimsical adventure ensues as you make your way to the shore and get awestruck by the serene beauty of the lake`s dark, blue surface. "This is mirrorlake", you whisper to yourself, as tiny waves roll ashore. You enter your nutshell of a fishing boat and head out onto the water.

2. Girl Standing In Water
Suddenly your eyes are caught by an ominous silhouette. You get closer and realize that a girl is standing in the water - and even more shocking - it looks just like you, but with pale white skin and dark hair.
The girl reaches for your hand and before you can react, you get pulled underwater, into her world.

3. In The Kelp
You find yourself in a dense meshwork of seaweed, fishes zoom around quickly as arrows - strange beings that look like they are made of glass. You see an octopus with 18 arms and four eyes tending the kelp like a gardener, while cow-like beasts with fins feed on the algae.

4. Salty Premonition
Something is not right. You approach a large rocky structure made of magmatic stone, with a huge entry to an underwater cave now looming right before you. You gaze into the opening and notice a humongous, orange eye emerging from the shadows.

A long, monstrous creature wiggles its metallic body out of the cave. You swim for your life as the robotic eel starts chasing you. The eel charges its laser eyes and rips large chunks of sand and stone out of the seafloor. You take sharp turns, in the hope it crashes against the rocks and knocks itself out or ties a knot into its body, but to no avail.
Finally, you make it fire its laser against a stony pillar, which causes an avalanche of rocks to plummet over both of you - you pass out.

6. Wild Waters
Darkness engulfs your unconscious body, you are far out on the lake, almost at its center. The girl's voice appears. In your dreams, you hear her tell the story of how she was once a little girl who drowned in the lake and got turned into a powerful witch.
Then, a gentle, warm gust of water rises you out of the water and carries you safely back to the shore. You lie around for a while with your face in the sand.

7. Evening Breeze
You are coming back to your senses. It is late in the evening and the fishermen have ignited a roaring campfire at the shore. They help you up and you notice your parents being among them - they were desperately searching for you all day.
You hug them close. Turning your head back to mirrorlake, you can not help but smile a little for the amazing adventure you went through.
Near the horizon, you notice a tiny hand sticking out of the water that waves goodbye.

It was a joy creating this project and, pretty much, my first attempt at arranging and producing music properly, as I have only created tiny loops for game jam projects in the past. Thank you so much for listening and please feel free to comment and give me feedback on what I can improve.

Updated 11 days ago


Prospero - mirrorlake - MP3.zip 20 MB
Prospero - mirrorlake - WAV.zip 128 MB

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